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Linting with Type Information

Under the hood, the typescript-eslint parser uses TypeScript's compiler APIs to parse the files. This means that we can provide lint rules with access to all of the type information that TypeScript knows about your codebase.

To tap into TypeScript's additional powers, there are two small changes you need to make to your config file:

 module.exports = {
root: true,
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
+ parserOptions: {
+ tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
+ project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
+ },
plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'],
extends: [
+ 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-requiring-type-checking',

In more detail:

  • parserOptions.tsconfigRootDir tells our parser the absolute path of your project's root directory.
  • parserOptions.project tells our parser the relative path where your project's tsconfig.json is.
  • plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-requiring-type-checking is another recommended configuration we provide. This one contains rules that specifically require type information.

With that done, run the same lint command you ran before. You will see new rules reporting errors based on type information!


How is performance?

But wait - I hear you exclaim - why would you ever not want type-aware rules?

Well (for full disclosure) there is a catch; by including parserOptions.project in your config, you are essentially asking TypeScript to do a build of your project before ESLint can do its linting. For small projects this takes a negligible amount of time (a few seconds); for large projects, it can take longer (30s or more).

Most of our users are fine with this, as they think the power of type-aware static analysis is worth it. Additionally, most users primarily consume lint errors via IDE plugins which, through some caching magic, do not suffer the same penalties. This means that generally they usually only run a complete lint before a push, or via their CI, where the extra time really doesn't matter.

We strongly recommend you do use type-aware linting, but the above information is included so that you can make your own, informed decision.

I get errors telling me "The file must be included in at least one of the projects provided"

This error means that the file that's being linted is not included in any of the tsconfig files you provided us. A lot of the time this happens when users have test files or similar that are not included in their normal tsconfigs.

Depending on what you want to achieve:

  • If you do not want to lint the file:
  • If you do want to lint the file:
    • If you do not want to lint the file with type-aware linting:
    • If you do want to lint the file with type-aware linting:
      • Check the include option of each of the tsconfigs that you provide to parserOptions.project - you must ensure that all files match an include glob, or else our tooling will not be able to find it.
      • If your file shouldn't be a part of one of your existing tsconfigs (for example, it is a script/tool local to the repo), then consider creating a new tsconfig (we advise calling it tsconfig.eslint.json) in your project root which lists this file in its include. For an example of this, you can check out the configuration we use in this repo:


If you're having problems getting this working, please have a look at our Troubleshooting FAQ.